About US


IMG_4110Moving to Florida after 25 years of being in the great city of Chicago left us with the need to travel back and forth, a lot. So it shouldn’t come to your surprise that we are recent owners of a Southwest Airlines Companion Pass. If you don’t know what that is, let me enlighten you. When you earn a ridiculous amount of points through flights taken and credit card points, you earn the privilege to fly your companion with you for FREE everywhere and every time. It’s a pretty sweet deal if you ask me.

Since we got the SWA pass we’ve been to many places (domestic, of course), seen a lot of great landscapes, ate amazing food, and toured places we may never have got to otherwise. We also realized that we have random strangers to thank for our adventures, since we looked up blogs, travel lists and reviews to guide us through most trips. Therefore, we came to the conclusion that we also need to write, review and remember all of the great things we came across. What better way than to put it on the line (reference: watch the movie Internship) and create a travel journal. Thus the birth of Take Me Away SWA!

This is not your average, run-of-the-mill blog. It will be obnoxious (as such our personalities), it will have drama (we are BROWN, it’s just how it goes), and it will be informational (just in case you wanted to get some value out of reading this blog).

Enjoy. Leave comments.

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